Mike came over last night to hang out so we posed-out and Berni took our picture. We also constructed a roaring fire and Brenna, who had never seen a fire before, freaked and thought the house was burning down.
Yesterday afternoon I saw this great shadow happening and decided to snap a self portrait, just as I was taking the picture Brenna walked into the scene. The same thing happened while I was photographing Bernadette.
In the past two days I've had the chance to hang out with a few of the coolest people I know. On Friday Berni and I met up with Ben and gallivanted around Georgetown and yesterday we took a few photos of Setareh and Chris.
Tony brought his refinished 1971 Monte Carlo over this afternoon and let us take it for a spin. I've never driven a car this cool before, you could hear the engine revving two blocks away! Quentin Tarantino would have been jealous.
On Saturday Bernadette and I had the pleasure of photographing Chris and Pia, two of the coolest people we've ever met. Here are a few of my favorite images.